
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Odyssey (Homer)

Once again, I know that I've read The Odyssey before, probably in high school.  I'm pretty sure I didn't enjoy it.  That might be due to the particular translation I used, which was whatever mom and dad had on their shelf.  Very few episodes stuck with me-- I remember paying close attention to the Cyclops episode, and I remember being impressed by the slaughter of the suitors at the end.  I remember remembering the flood of Athene after seeing O Brother, Where Art Thou.  That's about it.

This particular copy I bought at one of the earlier Fairfax County Library used book sales-- Chantilly, if I had to guess.  Collecting the classics was not a fully formed idea at that point, but I was drawn to those tables pretty quickly.  I was happy to find a Lattimore translation to match my copy of The Iliad.  It would seem that these notes are especially important as a reference for future readings-- when I get around to Ulysses several years from now, I'm going to be depending on these a lot, I'm sure.

Update 12/1: At home over Thanksgiving, I looked at the copy of The Odyssey that I must have read in high school.  The translation was done in Elizabethan English, loaded with "spaketh"s and "thou"s.  No wonder I hated it.

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