
Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Iliad, Book 8

Zeus pulls rank, declares no more interference by the gods.  Athene and Hera sulk.  Zeus retreats, places fates in the scales, Trojans take the day.  Hektor again leads the onslaught, almost taking Nestor.  Pushed back behind the walls, Agamemnon rallies the Greeks-- Zeus temporarily relents.  A hard charge, ending when Hektor strikes Diomedes, who is saved from death under the protection of Aias.  Athene and Hera vow to come to aid the Greeks-- turned back by Zeus.  Hera pledges to counsel Greeks.  Zeus threatens Poseidon's destruction in a day, and reveals the Greeks cannot win until Achilleus is aroused by the death of Patroklos.  Trojans and Hektor stalled by nightfall, but sitting pretty.

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