
Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Iliad, Book 6

Greeks gain the uper hand; Trojans rally behind Hektor.  Diomedes and Glaukos meet for one-on-one combat.  Hearing Glaukos's history, Diomedes realizes they are old famly friends.  They withdraw after a gift exchange, which Diomedes wins.  Hektore returns to the city, asks Helen and women to pray to Athene to turn the tide in their favor.  Scolds Paris.  Gets flattered and seduced by Helen, but turns her down.  On way back to battle, meets his wife Andromachus and his son.  Andromachus has misgivings-- her whole family has been killed by Achilleus.  Hektor says he fights for her-- so that she won't be taken by the Greeks as a prize.  Paris returns to battle.

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