
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Iliad, Book 17

Menelaos rushes to protect Patroklos's body, kills Euphorbos (Patroklos's true slayer) who was seeking the glory of Achilleus's armor.  Glaukos shames Hektro for not saving Sarpedon from Patroklos, convinces him that he must take Patroklos's body.  In first fight, Greeks recover the body, while Hektor wins Achilleus's armor.  Much back-and-forth fighting ensues over the body-- Zeus continually changing his favor-- ultimately knowing Hektor will perish, allowing him victories in the meantime.  Achilleus's immortal horses and chariot return to the ships; nearly beaten, Aias tells Menelaos to get Antilochus (away from the main fighting) to rush back and report to Achilleus what has happened-- though without his armor, not much hope.  Menelaos carries Patroklos's body in final retreat, as the two Aiases beat back the trailing Trojans, led by Hektor and Aineias.

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