
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Iliad, Book 24

Games over, Achilleus can't sleep.  12th day after Hektor's death.  Zeus sends Thetis to him, convinces him to let Priam retrieve body.  Achilleus agrees.  Zeus sends Ida to tell Priam to ransom the body, alone.  He sets out.  Hermes arrives and escorts him, unseen, direct to Achilleus.  Priam begs for the body.  Very charitably, Achilleus concedes.  Promises to hold off further attack another 12 days, allowing Hektor's burial.  Priam leaves in secret under cover of night.  Arriving at the city, Cassandra sees him first, awakens all Ilion with her wailing grief.  Individual mourning by Andromache, Hekabe, and Helen.  Funeral pyre and burial for Hektor, breaker of horses.


Me:  I was genuinely surprised to see the name Cassandra in this book.  Apparently that's where it comes from.

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