
Monday, November 22, 2010

The Odyssey, Book 3

Arrival on island of Pylos, land of Nestor.  Telemachos and Athene (disguised as Mentor) visit Nestor straight away, where he is making sacrifices to Poseidon.  Telemachos asks what he knows of Odysseus.  Nestor first relays the fate of some heroes: Aias, Achilleus, Potroklos, Antilochos killed during the war.  After victory won, threachery still reigned as they feared punishments from Athene (for some unknown reason?).  Menelaos and Agamemnon split up, Menelaos leaving immediately, Agamemnon staying temporarily to appease Athene.  During return voyage, Odysseus left Menelaos to return to help Agamemnon.  Frightening voyage home, though most (all?) made it.

(Strange aside as Nestor tells of Athene's protection of Odysseus.  Telemachos claims he would not expect protection from the goddess.  Athene claims Odysseus's fate will be better than Agamemnon's.)

Telemachos asks of Agamemnon's death.  Nestor says Menelaos delayed in his ultimate return home, first to bury a friend on another island, then lost to Egypt for a time.  Meanwhile, Aigisthos usurped Agamemnon's land, married Klytaimestra his wife, killed Agamemnon on his return, and reigned for seven years until Orestes kills him in turn.  Menelaos finally arrives on the day of the burial.

Nestor tells Telemachos he must visit Menelaos.  Athene tells him he must go alone, while she has business on the ship, then reveals herself.  Dumbstruck, Nestor readies sacrifices for Athene.  Slaughters cow the next day.  Readies supplies for Telemachos, sends him on two-day journey to Menelaos by chariot with his son Peisistratos.

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