
Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Odyssey, Book 2

The next day, Telemachos calls a meeting of all Ithaka to publicly call out the suitors for wasting away Odysseus's (and his) estate.  Antinoos (suitor) responds: "Blame your mom, kid.  We came early, she agreed to pick a husband after weaving a burial cloth for Laertes.  For three years, she wove and undid what she wove at night.  We found out, forced her to finish, and we're pissed.  We're staying until we get what we want out of her."  Telemachos: "As if I can force my mother to marry another man.  At least do what you're doing away from this estate-- otherwise you're risking the wrath of the gods over it."

Zeus immediately sends an omen.  Halitherses (prophet and friend to Odysseus): "Not good, guys.  I said years ago that Odysseus would be lost but eventually return, unrecognized, and vengeful.  And it's all happening."  Eurymachos (suitor): "Don't try to frighten us with your sorceror's ways, Lord Vader.  Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped...  I mean, the proper thing is to ask Penelope's father to choose one among us for her new husband.  Let's get on with it."  Telemachos: "Let's make a deal.  I'm going on a journey, looking for Odysseus for a year.  If I learn he's dead, I'll return and give you all what you want."

Mentor (Odysseus's close friend and house-sitter) scolds the public at large for allowing the suitors to debase the dignity of Odysseus as they have.  Urges them to rise up against the suitors.  Leokritos (suitor #3): "They wouldn't stand a chance against us.  Even if Odysseus  were to appear to drive us out himself, he would have no hope of succes against so many."

Meeting breaks up.  Athene comes to Telemachos and sets up plans for the voyage.  Antinoos tries to make nice; Telemachos blows him off for good reason.  Telemachos gathers supplies from Odysseus's secret storehouse, Athene makes arrangements for a fast ship.  Plan is to sail for Sparta.  The crew loads up.  They set off.

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