
Friday, November 12, 2010

The Iliad (Homer)

I'm sure I've read The Iliad before-- I think it was assigned in my freshman seminar at Notre Dame.  At the time, I remember being surprised and disappointed that the Trojan Horse episode wasn't part of the story-- having been surprised and disappointed that it wasn't in The Odyssey a couple of years earlier.  It was assigned again-- the first reading on the list, actually-- in my Ancient Philosophy class at the University of Chicago in summer 2004, where I purchased this copy. 

Still not live here-- this was read a Book a day over the course of October 2010.  All notes were originally taken by hand, and they appear mostly unedited.  I knew from experience that the overarching action was easy to follow, but I thought it was important to get the details of the arguments-- especially the argument that put Achilleus out of battle-- correct.  It also seemed important to have a firm grasp on the participation of the gods during battle, action that I suspect will be alluded to in the future.  And minor heroes deserve to be recognized as well-- thier names, anyway.

Ultimately, these notes were the springboard to the blog part of the project.

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