
Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Having finished The Iliad in the first couple days of November, and having decided to get the blog underway before reading any further, it appears I've taken a two-week break from reading at all.  That sucks.

A number of issues intersect here.  Apparently, I have a tendency to go big or don't go at all.  If I don't anticipate having an open stretch in which a project (or the next book) will complete itself, I hestitate to start it.  Actually, the blog notes should help with that-- any delays that come up can be absorbed, because I can easily review what has been covered so far.  I should keep that in mind.

Issue #2: For some reason, I fear running out of project to complete.  That is, I feel that if I were to finish something early, what would I do then?  It's an incredibly stupid attitude-- at this point, I've got shelves and shelves of books that will take years to finish even if read daily, and I keep adding to the collection anyway.  Ultimately, all I do is time-shift anticipated wasted time from the unknown future to the ever-extending present.  I feel like this is a little bit different than procrastination.  But maybe this actually is the central essence of procrastination.

Issue #3: When I'm not reading, I feel like I'm not that good of a reader.  It's weird, because when I'm actually doing the reading, I feel like I love it.  So why don't I recognize that, or know that about myself, when I'm not doing it?  A very bizarre instance of a lack of self-awareness.

In any case, I'm caught up on notes now.  Time to get to the next book

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