
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Iliad, Book 22

Apollo taunts Achilleus, who turns back to the city.  Hektor out front.  Priam peering down, recognizes his fate.  Hektor debates fighting there, or handing over the city as ransom to end the war.  Then runs, Achilleus in pursuit.  Finally Zeus weighs both lives in Fate, and Hektor's time has come.  At this, Apollo abandons him, Athene comes in the likeness of his brother Deiphobos, convinces him to confront Achilleus.  Brief words.  Two spear casts miss-- Athene retrieves Achilleus's spear, Hektor recognizes he's alone, and screwed.  Achilleus administers the death blow.  Hektor begs for his body to be spared, but for nought.  Greeks arrive, ravage the body, start return to ships-- burial of Patroklos, for Achilleus.  Priam starts after to ransom Hektor's body.  Much mourning in Ilion, especially by Andromache, who weeps most of all for Hektor's infant son Astyanax.

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