
Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Iliad, Book 7

Trojans start to sweep through.  Athene and Apollo call a temporary truce, suggest a one-on-one to end the day's combat.  Hektor requests an opponent-- Menelaos accepts, but talked down by Agamemnon.  Nestor chastises the Greeks-- then nine volunteer.  Aias chosen by lot.  Gains the upper hand on Hektor.  Zeus's messengers call a halt.  Gift exchange.  On the beach, Greeks plot their next move.  In Troy, Paris again asked to give up Helen.  He declines, but offers all his possessions instead.  Offer declined, but a truce is called while bodies are burned.  Greeks build a tower upon their pyre; Poseidon tells Zeus they forgot to sacrifice when they decided to build it.  Ominous music...

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