
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Iliad, Book 18

Achilleus recognizes that Patroklos is dead, finally confirmed by Antilochus.  Thetis arrives to console him.  Achilleus is despondant-- sees his own prophesied death coming, for he no longer even wishes to live after Hektor is killed.  Thetis leaves to obtain new armor.  Iris sent by hera to Achilleus, pushes him to make an appearance at least so that Patroklos's body will be saved.  Athene enhances his appearance-- at the sight of him from afar, Trojans are driven back-- some commit suicide.  Poulydamas urges Trojan retreat behind city walls-- death is coming.  Hektor prefers final charge-- senses imminent victory.  Body of Patroklos is honored, saved for burial until after Hektor is killed.  Thetis calls in a favor from Hephaistos.  Builds new armor, including glorious elaborate shield.


Me: At first reading, it seemed that the shield of Achilleus will be a universal icon throughout the rest of literature.  It has been re-created in artwork throughout history.  A good collection.  One example:

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