
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Odyssey, Book 22

Odysseus shoots Alkinoos first, by surprise.  The suitors scold the "stranger", but then Odysseus reveals himself.  Eurymachos thinks fast, tries to say all the suitors' evil was Alkinoos's idea.  Odysseus won't have it, shoots him.  Amphinomos charges; Telemachos kills Amphinomos with a sword.  Then fetches armor.  Odysseus kills a few more.

Melanthios sneaks to the room where all the weapons were hidden, and sends arms and armor to the remaining suitors.  Eumaios and Philoitios go after him, catch him in the act, and string him up.  They return and the four make their stand.

Athene arrives in the form of Mentor to encourage them.  The suitors plead with "Mentor" to join their side.  Athene turns to a swallow and flies to the rafters to watch what happens next.  She also guides the suitors' spears astray.

Odysseus kills Demoptolemos, Telemachos kills Euryades, Eumaios kills Elatos, Philoitios kills Peisandros.

Odysseus kills Eurydamas, Telemachos kills Amphimedon, Eumaios kills Polybos, Philoitios kills Ktesippos. 

Odysseus kills Agelaos, Telemachos kills Leokritos.

Leodes rushes and begs Odysseus for mercy.  Killed.  Phemios the singer begs for mercy.  Telemachos tells his father to spare him, and also the herald Medon, if he's not already dead.  Medon rushes out from hiding and takes that deal.  The rest are dead.

Odysseus calls for Eurykleia, asks her to bring out all the unfaithful servant women.  They are made to clean up the mess, then marched out and hung en masse by Telemachos.  Melanthios is brought down from his perch, dismembered, and finally killed.

Odysseus asks for brimstone and sulphur for final cleaning.  Eurykleia suggests he change out of his rags before calling for Penelope.  The remaining servant women emerge and greet Odysseus gladly.



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