
Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Odyssey, Book 20

Odysseus beds on the ground, while the women servantry go to bed with the suitors.  He can't sleep, tossing and turning over the slaughter he must plan.  Athene appears, and he asks how he might be successful while surviving the carnage.  She says she'll take care of everything.

Penelope starts awake, and prays (to Artemis) for death.  She can no longer bear having to marry one of the suitors.  And now the gods tease her by presenting a vision of a man so much like her husband.

At dawn, Odysseus asks Zeus for an omen of success and gets it-- a thunderclap.  Also overhears a mill servant asking the gods for Odysseus's return so that the cruel demands of the suitors may pass.  Odysseus smiles inwardly.

Telemachos arrives: "Why has the visitor slept on the ground?"  Eurykleia (the nurse): "That's how he would have it."

Eumaios (the swineherd) arrives: "How have you been treated, friend?"  O: "The men here deserve great punishment."

Melanthios (the goatherd) arrives: "How dare you still beg here?"  Odysseus seethes.

Philoitios (a cowherd) arrives: "Greetings, stranger.  I hate continuing to work for the suitors' benefit, but I cannot leave while Telemachos still runs the household."  O: "Odysseus will return.  You're about to see a show."

Bad omen (eagle with pigeon) shows itself to the suitors.  They feast again while waiting to kill Telemachos.  Telemachos puts them all on notice not to harm the beggar again.  Antinoos mutters threats.

Ktesippos hurls insults and hooves at Odysseus.  Telemachos tells him off.  Agelaos tells Telemachos to give it up-- Odysseus is never coming home.  Telemachos says he's not holding Penelope back from marrying-- but neither will he rush her actions.

At this, Athene inspires laughter among all the suitors.  Theoklymenos (the wandering prophet) scolds them all, foretelling their demise.  Eurymachos scoffs.  Theoklymenos leaves.  Suitors continue to tease Telemachos, who glances at his father awaiting the signal to act.


I love the re-introduction, one by one, of every character we've seen in this setting so far.  I think each character from Ithaka makes an appearance in the chapter.  And for each, we know exactly what his fate will be from his lines in this chapter.  We, too, are just waiting for the signal, "... For they had first begun the wrongdoing." (xx.394)

And I can't resist:

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