
Friday, January 21, 2011

The Odyssey, Book 15

Athene arrives at Lakedaimon to retrieve Telemachos. Tells him the urgency of the situation-- Penelope's father and brothers are urging her to marry Eurymachos. And he better steal in in secret to avoid the ambush. Go see the swineherd upon arrival. Menelaos and Helen offer feast and gifts for his departure. During farewells, an eagle flies with a white goose in its talons-- an omen of the return home of Odysseus, says Helen.

Once at the boat, Telemachos blows off a meeting with Nestor because of his haste. While packing, approached by the prophet (of a family of prophets) from Argos, Theoklymenos, now a fugitive for killing a man. Theoklymenos: "Give me a lift, for I killed a man." Telemachos: "Hop in." Takes his spear, though.

Back on Ithaka, Odysseus talks his way into staying longer with Eumaios by saying he will beg in the city, then work as a servant in Odysseus's court for the suitors. Eumaios won't hear of it, and gives him what he needs. Odysseus asks of his own father and mother. Eumaios tells of the death of his mother, and the continued pining of Laertes. He knows them well, for he grew up with Ktimene, Odysseus's sister.

Odysseus asks of Eumaios's family history. Eumaios says he hails from island of Syria, a good place with no troubles. Phoenicians arrived, and plotted to take back a Phoenician girl working as Eumaios's nurse. They stayed a year, but upon leaving sent the signal for her departure and she took Eumaios with her. She died at sea, and Eumaios was sold to Laertes on Ithaka when the Phoenicians landed.

Telemachos arrives on Ithaka, and sends Theoklymenos to visit Eurymachos. A falcon carrying a pigeon shows itself-- another good omen. Telemachos walks to the swineherd's house...

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