
Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Odyssey, Book 21

Penelope begins the archery contest, retrieving the great bow Odysseus received from Iphitos.  Announces to the suitors that whoever can shoot an arrow through 12 axes gets her hand as a prize.  Antinoos sandbags, saying surely none can match Odysseus's strength.  Telemachos joins the contest, to keep his mother from marrying, and goes first.  He starts to make progress drawing the bowstring, but Odysseus shakes him off. 

Leodes fails.  Announces there is no hope for any of them in this contest.  Several more fail.

Odysseus pulls Eumaios and Philoitios the goatherd aside and asks if Odysseus would have their backing if he would appear.  They say yes, and Odysseus reveals himself to them.  Their job is to lock the doors to seal the suitors inside.

Back inside, Eurymachos and Antinoos finally fail.  Antinoos announces they may try again later, after more feasting has put them in the mood.  Odysseus asks for his chance, just for kicks.  Antinoos won't hear of it, saying it's beneath all of them to allow it.  Penelope answers that he's not doing it to marry her, anyway.  Eurymachos says that's not the point-- the suitors would all look bad  if word got out.  Penelope answers that they all look bad enough already.  Promises great prizes of clothing, weapons, and a journey to the stranger if he succeeds.  Telemachos: "Hell, I'll give him the bow."

Eumaios brings it to Odysseus.  He weighs it, and from his comfort the rest can tell something's up.  The doors are locked.  Odysseus easily fires from his chair, and the shot is true.

xxi. 424-430: "Telemachos, your guest that sits in your halls does not then
fail you; I missed no part of the mark, nor have I made much
work of stringing the bow; the strength is still sound within me,
and not as the suitors said in their scorn, making little of me.
Now is the time for their dinner to be served the Achaians
in the daylight, then follow with other entertainment,
the dance and the lyre; for these come at the end of the feasting."

Telemachos armors up.



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