
Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Odyssey, Book 17

Telemachus leaves to meet Penelope in person, Odysseus and Eumaios to follow later. Tearful reunion. While there, companion Peiraios arrives with Theoklymenos. Penelope complains that she still hasn't been told what Telemachos learned of Odysseus's whereabouts. Telemachos relates the information from Menelaos, up to the capture on Kalypso's island.  Theoclymenos states that Odysseus is in the city itself, or at least that's what the falcon said.

Eumaios brings Odysseus to the city where he can beg.  On the way, passed by Melanthios, bringing a goat for the suitors' evening meal.  Testy exchange, even coming to blows, but Odysseus remains unmoved (while seething underneath).  At the house, Odysseus's old dog Argos sees him, recognizes him, then dies. 

Inside, Odysseus makes a circuit of the room begging, and takes the measure of each suitor to determine his leniency later.  Many give.  Special rudeness, though, from Melanthios, and especially from Antinoos, who even throws a stool at him.  Penelope summons for the "beggar" for a face-to-face meeting, in hopes of his having heard of Odysseus's whereabouts.  Eumaios tells what he has already heard (that the stranger had heard of Odysseus at one of his recent stops), then fetches him.  But Odysseus refuses for now, promising to meet her later in the evening.  Eumaios leaves for his home.

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