
Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Spirit of Laws (Montesquieu)

This is a late addition to my politics list, which puts things a bit out of sequence.  But it's still early, so I don't mind.  Montesquieu has been cited in more than one place as one of the important influences on the Founding Fathers, and especially as an influence in the writing of the Constitution with its separation of powers.  I've most recently heard it referenced in a Milt Rosenberg podcast interview with Paul Rahe, whom I greatly enjoy reading.

Since I don't know what I'm getting into quite yet with Montesquieu, I didn't feel compelled to actually buy the book.  This is my first book I'm reading strictly from the library, in this case from Mt. Prospect.

I also don't feel compelled to read the whole flippin' thing.  According to the introduction, the first thirteen books seem to cover what I want to cover, before Montesuieu gets into the influence of climate on government.  Ugh for now, but who knows for later.

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