
Saturday, February 05, 2011

Homer? Who is Homer?

If I'm going to stake a claim one way or the other, I'll say The Iliad and The Odyssey had two different authors.  I suppose much of the language is similar (although I'm obviously not qualified to judge the Greek), and clearly the second author was fully knowledgeable of the first work.  But the literary devices and non-sequential narrative of The Odyssey are so different than the straightforward chronicle of The Iliad.  And as Lattimore pointed out in the introduction, the use of simile and imagery language is more rampant in The Iliad as well.

A crude and blasphemous comparison: The Iliad  is "Cheers", while The Odyssey is "Frasier"-- the first using (and perfecting, and defining for all followers) a classic, repeatable chapter-to-chapter formula; the second establishing its own unique identity while expanding the genre's possibilities in a number of innovative directions (language, narrative structure).

Homer II should have included a special credit: "Based on the character 'Odysseus', created by Homer I."

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