
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Common Sense, III - Thoughts On The Present State Of American Affairs

To be clear, the choice facing America is already being made, armed hostilities having started. For those who still doubt the proper course, we must consider our current circumstances:

Some say we need always the guidance of Britain. But we have goods and ability enough ourselves to continue prosperous trade.

Some say we owe Britain for our continued protection. But all protection is given only for the benefit of their land, not for ourselves.

Some say our unity comes only from our status as British subjects.  But our backgrounds are from all of Europe.  And all of Europe will be happy to do commerce with us on our own-- probably even more so when we are independent of the British with whom they still quarrel.

We know our connection is on the brink.  Uncertainty in our position can only harm our relations at this point.

To the timid, I point to the suffering in Boston.  Consider yourselves lucky if you do not endure what they currently endure.

Even if our current aggravations were repealed, do you not expect more to be imposed in the near future?

Our being ruled from such a great distance is absurd.  A full continent being ruled by a small island is more absurd still.

There must be a clean break, as well.  It will not due to have some self-government if we are still subject to the ultimate whim of the king afar.

To those who fear independence leading to internal strife and civil war: thus far we behave better than that.

A proposal to those who are wary until a plan of self-government is in place: [Suggested form of government.  Temporary Congresses.  Presidency rotated among the colonies.  3/5 approval required for laws.  Crowning of the Law as king.  (Then destroying the crown.)]

The time to act is now-- we have a small opening to do this right, or fall by random chance into a new or bungled tyranny.  And this opportunity is from Providence itself.  Our continent was discovered when relief from religious oppression was needed most.  Our opportunity now is mankind's opportunity for liberty.


Awesome closing paragraph:
O ye that love mankind!  Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth!  Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression.  Freedom hath been hunted round the globe.  Asia, and Africa, have long expelled her.  Europe regards her like a stranger, and England hath given her warning to depart.  O! receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind. 

Embarrassing history I had to be reminded of:  The Battle of Lexington and Concord was April 19, 1775.  Bunker Hill was two months later.

Irony alert! "Much hath been said of the united strength of Britain and the colonies, that in conjunction they might bid defiance to the world.  But this is mere presumption; the fate of war is uncertain, neither do the expressions mean anything; for this continent would never suffer itself to be drained of inhabitants, to support the British arms in either Asia, Africa, or Europe."

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