
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Oresteia (Aeschylus)

I thought it important to read some Greek drama before getting to Plato's Republic, at least to have a feel for the Greek culture at the time or to catch any popular references.  I had a couple collections on the shelf-- probably from Freshman Seminar-- but decided to round it out a bit.  After some research, selections from Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes (in that order) would seem to cover it.

This particular copy I purchased at Half Price Books in Palatine-- on my first trip there in late 2010.  Nothing special about the translation, as far as I know.  I knew I had some Sophocles, and they had a matching pair of a different Sophocles and this Aeschylus, both translated by Paul Roche.

I honestly have no idea what to expect out of this.  It would seem that reading Homer was a good idea, though.  I already know who Orestes is!

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