
Friday, April 22, 2011

Prometheus Bound, 2

Prometheus: "In the conflict between the Titans and the Olympians, I was trying to broker a peace.  Unsuccessful, I threw my lot in with Zeus.  Through my plans, he attained victory, casting the Titans into Tartarus.  But then Zeus became a despot.  Among other crimes, he planned to wipe away mankind in favor of a new race of creatures.  I wouldn't have it.  And for saving them, I am punished.  Yes, I gave them fire.  (I also gave them hope within their hearts.)"

Chorus encourages Prometheus that he will find escape, but he won't hear it, knowing his fate.  He also lashes out at the encouragement, saying it's easy enough for ones not under punishment to look on things optimistically.

Ocean arrives, telling Prometheus not to rail against Zeus so loudly, so not to bring an even worse punishment upon himself.  He also pledges to appeal to Zeus to let Prometheus go free.  Prometheus mocks the offer, then apologetically says instead that any appeal will be of no use.  He sees the punishment Zeus has set for Atlas.  He knows of the punishment Zeus laid for Typhon, now buried beneath Mount Aetna but destined to erupt one day.  Moreover, Prometheus wants to keep Ocean from bringing the punishment of Zeus on himself.  Ocean goes anyway.

The Chorus laments the current sufferings of mankind-- especially in the far-off lands of Asia.  Prometheus knows that whatever they suffer, this would be the natural state of man except for his own intercession.  P: "I taught them the astral calendar; math; written language; husbandry; sailing; medicine; dream interpretation; prophecy and pleasing sacrifice; and fire."

Chorus: "Surely if you are so powerful, you can escape this punishment."  P: "It is not only Zeus that maintains my punishment, but also the Fates-- and they are stronger than Zeus.  Even he cannot escape the fate that is coming to him."  Chorus: "What?"  P: "Forget I said that.  It's a secret I must keep throughout my ordeal."

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