
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Prometheus Bound, 1

Might and Force escort Prometheus, with Hephaestus, to his place of punishment.  Hephaestus is reluctant to follow through with his task.  Might pushes him on, reminding him of his duty to execute Zeus's instructions, and appealing to his personal stake in the matter-- it was Hephaestus's fire that Prometheus gave to mankind.  Hephaestus does the deed sorrowfully, and departs.  Might gets in a little extra taunting-- over the irony of Prometheus being the "Man of Forethought," given his fate-- and departs.

Alone, Prometheus calls out to Earth [his great-grandmother, or something] for comfort.  He wonders what relief might come, but then resents that he indeed can see the full length of his fate in front of him.  A band of sea-nymphs [the Chorus] arrive, sent by Ocean [their father] to discuss the situation with him.  They rue the rise of Zeus over the Titans and his new style of rule over the heavens.  Prometheus says he would prefer isolation in Hades over being shackled in sight of the gods as he is.  But he also looks forward to the day when Zeus will come to him for assistance in thwarting the eventual plot against him.  Prometheus vows he will not help unless set free.  The nymphs ask for the tale that eventually led him here, and Prometheus begins to tell...

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