
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Heretics (G.K. Chesterton)

My first entry from the Religion category.  I wish I had started this when I read the Pope's books at Eucharistic Adoration, but perhaps I'll re-read those later.  Right now it seems that my religion books can be read in a non-sequential manner, but I think it makes sense to read Chesterton in order (Orthodoxy will follow), and probably C.S. Lewis right after that.

For the sake of economy, I got Ignatius Press's Collected Works version of Heretics.  This was a Christmas present from Mom and Dad the same year I got Lewis, I think-- they were both on my list.  The introduction gave me some biographical information about Chesterton that I did not now.  I suppose it's important to note while reading that he had not yet converted to Catholicism when this was written, though mentally he may already have made that leap.

I've read the first chapter of Heretics twice already.  There was so much in there that I want to remember, that it made me decide to branch out the blog to my entire library.  Too tired tonight to read it a third time, though.

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