
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Branching out

I've got shelves and shelves of books that I wanted to own, but never got around to reading, and it's not all literature.  There's no reason not to read more than one thing at a time-- if I could do it in fourth grade, I can do it now.  But I think it's best to read only one selection from a genre at a time.  My shelves are pretty well divided between Literature, Religion, Politics, and Philosophy, though there's a good deal of overlap between the categories for some books.

Note-taking isn't necessary for every book, either.  At the moment, I'm reading Mark Steyn's Lights Out.  I ordered that one pretty soon after it came out, I think (along with Dream Theater and Van Morrison CDs, apparently).  Since it's simply a collection of his essays, and it's mostly entertainment, that's all that needs to be said.

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