
Monday, March 14, 2011

The Libation Bearers, 1

Orestes, home again, attends his father's grave.  Leaves a lock of his own hair as a tribute.  Hears the women (taken from Troy) arriving with their own tribute, and hides to observe their ceremony.

Electra, Orestes' sister, leads them.  The Chorus speaks of the troubles in the palace since the murders-- and especially of a new prophecy, that the underworld is angered and awaiting Aegisthus' and Clytemnestra's demise. 

Electra struggles for words to speak at the grave.  Bring tidings from her mother?  Or bring promises of revenge against her mother?  The Chorus suggests she bring prayers for swift (and fair) revenge, but won't commit to joining her in such prayers. 

Finally, Electra comes out with it: she does seek payback against Aegisthus especially, and hopes for Orestes' swift return.  Leaving, she sees the hair and recognizes it as possibly Orestes'.  Footprints that match his as well.  Could it be?

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