
Friday, August 31, 2007

Welcome to Philosophy.

If you're reading this, you took notes in class-- and actually followed up on them. Good for you.

Hopefully, this will be a place you can follow up on some points made in the discussion section. Or, you can ask a question we didn't have time for in class. Or, you can finally articulate that nagging doubt you weren't quite able to nail down in the heat of the moment. The point is, this is your chance to expand our philosophy discussion to longer than 50 minutes a week. Oh, joy of joys!

If this works like I hope it will, I'll put up a post after each of Professor David's lectures, and we can address concerns or general confusion on the fly. I think this will also help keep people from falling behind-- this material is new and can be intimidating, but I'll (we'll?) try to break it down so it's as manageable as possible.

In the meantime, leave a comment just to say hi, or drop a question if you've got one. You can just use your first name and last initial-- that ought to be plenty.


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